Our most basic IV infusion, Say Anything provides the solution you need to improve intravascular volume and rehydrate after fluid loss. It's a great way to restore balance after illness or stomach bug. Sometimes, simple can be best. ROADHOUSE - 140 When it's time to really fight, step up to the next level. Combat fatigue caused by dehydration, detoxify and reduce inflammation, and restore electrolyte balance while quenching your thirst. (Includes up to 1L of fluids.) HANGOVER RELIEFABOUT LAST NIGHT - 150
We get it (trust me). That party was worth it, but your recovery is, too. This little cocktail can ease the nausea, fight the headache, and help you rehydrate to restore those depleted nutrients. Nobody has time for a hangover. WEEKEND @ BERNIES - 175 Sometimes things can get a little out of hand and the usual fix just won't do. This mega-cure is meant for that real big weekend or jet lag. Adding to the infusion of essential vitamins and nutrients, you can add a push for pain and inflammation relief. We'll even add some Zofran if that nausea really has you broken down. Sit back and relax in our heated, massaging reclines while you DRiP in the vitamins and minerals you need to feel your best!
Prep for whatever mischief you have planned. This is a great infusion for anyone to try! iTS a basic Myers' cocktail good for overall health and wellness. The combination of calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, and other essential vitamins and nutrients help you fight chronic fatigue and pain, combat Ohio Valley crud, and optimize balance and hydration. WEIRD SCIENCE - 185 This customized take on the traditional Myers cocktail gives you more of what you love to make a much greater impact. This infusion is great weekly or monthly to optimize overall health and wellness. BRAIN HEALTHRAIN MAN - 160
For your Brain Fog! A wonderful mix of folic acid, taurine, and alpha-lipoic acid, this infusion will pull you out of a daze and protect against memory loss; decrease inflammation and promote neuron formation; and reduce oxidative stress. CUCKOO'S NEST (NAD+) - 200+ (VARIES) NAD+ is a game-changing supplementation that slows cognitive decline, promotes healthy brain function, fights chronic fatigue, increases energy, boosts metabolism, regenerates cells, slows aging, and reduces internal inflammation. *Zofran included to assist with nausea during infusion. *Infusion times may take longer depending on tolerance to treatment. |
More than just fluid replenishment, this IV infusion comes packed with helpful essential vitamins and B12 for a little energy boost to keep you functioning no matter what your schedule looks like. FOOTLOOSE - 160 If you're holding out for a hero, you've found it. This comprehensive infusion is packed full of calcium, B-complex, B-12, Folic Acid, and more! We add a bonus push of important antioxidants and this is a superb boost of energy and balance--a step WAY above our basic infusion. SKIN, HAIR +
Vitamin C, B-complex, and Zinc to the rescue! Get the protection you need with an immunity defense. This comprehensive infusion builds up your immune system, protects against infection, and speeds up healing time if we're already a bit too late. ANIMAL HOUSE - 200 The world is really throwing a lot at us right now. It's up to you to arm yourself with the best defense of all the junk that's around. This dose is packed full of calcium, magnesium, B-Complex, B12, Vitamin C, Zinc to protect you from illness or recover faster if you've already been caught. You may boost immunity, absorb iron and other nutrients, keep blood cells happy and well-functioning, and protect against free radical damage. MAJOR LEAGUE - 250 When those crazy, chronic, long-haul viruses have you in a choke hold, you have to pull out all the stops. This heavy hitter adds in ALA, NAD, and more glutathione to our potent immunity blend to make sure you get all the support you need. MIGRAINE SUPPORTTROOP BEVERLY HILLS - 160
This powerful custom cocktail includes a comprehensive dose of vitamins and minerals including calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, and more. We've added some anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving ingredients, but we can add a shot of Zofran if that migraine or pain comes with nausea. Find your relief today. RECOVERY + PERFORMANCETOP GUN - 195
The elite. Our potent cocktail of premium ingredients was created to optimize performance, athleticism, and injury recovery. Amino acids, minerals, and complex vitamins work together to minimize muscle loss while enhancing speed and recovery. WEIGHT LOSS / METABOLISMHONEY, I SHRUNK THE KIDS - 250
Forget the accidents, lets shrink on purpose. A combination of magnesium, B vitamins, Lipo-C, ALA, and more, this infusion gives you a metabolic boost, more energy, immune support, cellular repair, mood enhancement, blood sugar regulation, and cardiovascular functioning to fuel your body. Combine with healthy diet and exercise to optimize results. |
Intended to naturally enhance your breastmilk supply through hydration, vitamins, and amino acids and essential minerals, this breastfeeding support bag may also improve mood and symptoms of fatigue. An all-around boost when you're feeling depleted. ROMANCING THE STONES - 185 Boost your libido with this infusion customized to get you in the mood. LOOK WHO'S TALKING - 160 Loaded with all sorts of good vitamins, minerals, and amino acids intended to increase the probability of conception, ovulation induction, improve progesterone levels, and support successful pregnancies. Recommended weekly. THE LOST BOYS - 160 Sometimes they need a little help, yeah? This infusion is created to enhance sperm motility and quality. Give them a fighting chance! (SHOT) OFFICER & A GENTLEMAN - 40 This IM injection acts as a vasodilator to provide a little boost for performance enhancement (ED). VITAMIN CHIGH DOSE - 180+ (VARIES)
Therapeutic intervention for advanced diseases. Used in high doses, Vitamin C becomes pro-oxidative and aids in killing bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. (CONSULTATION REQUIRED. LAB WORK MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROCEED.) |